Carrot and Coriander Soup Recipe
1 large onion , diced.
Clove of Garlic chopped finely
3 Large Carrots or 4 medium Peeled and sliced
2 potatoes peeled and chopped
1 litre of veg stock or try to use veg Bouillon.
Large handful of fresh coriander, washed and chopped,
Salt and Pepper
Gently Fry onions and cover to sweat.
when soft add the garlic and cover again for 2 mins.
Then Add the carrots and potatoes along with the stock, cover and bring to the boil.
Add the coriander and season with salt and pepper.
Leave to simmer for about half an hour or more until the carrots and potatoes are soft.
Use a hand blender or conventional one to blend into a thick soup choosing the consistency you like.
Eat with lovely fresh bread and butter mmmm!!
Preparation time:
Cooking time:
wah maaf respon saya telah, hehe~ maklum banyak jalan-jalan, belum ketemu ya pasang chicklet Feedblitz (FB) , hmm.. OK dech, mba coba login ke accouunt mba di FB, trus klik tab Newsletters di sebelah atas, nah pada tab tersebut ntar ada sub-tabs, (dibawahnya) klik pada Forms, udah masuk di sub-tab forms, lihat ke kanan atas, di sana ada chicklet kan? nah klik aja cicklet tersebut nanti akan keluar kode, trus copy paste dech di elemen halaman blog mba, sama seperti feedburner.
Mudah-mudahan bisa membantu, salam kenal and Happy New Year!
ga apa apa mas, tapi saya belom juga bisa mas.. hehe, tapi saya coba terus mudah2an bisa
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